Spatial-statistical downscaling and biodiversity inference

  • R package (spds) and example code for “Spatial-statistical downscaling with uncertainty quantification in biodiversity modelling”. [package] [example]

Quantile regression

  • R package (bqrgal) and example code for “A new family of error distributions for Bayesian quantile regression”. [package] [example]

Statistical models for spatial and temporal data

  • R package (dnnmp) and example code for “Bayesian geostatistical modeling for discrete-valued processes”. [package] [example]

  • R package (nnmp) and example code for “Nearest-neighbor mixture models for non-Gaussian spatial processes”. [package] [example]

  • R package (mtd) and example code for “On construction and estimation of stationary mixture transition distribution models”. [package] [example]